Unlike fibromyalgia, myofascial pain is localized to one area. There are tender points where pressing will often result in pain, which spreads to distant areas and imitates the pain of which the patient complains. Under the tender points, a taut band of muscles can be felt… Myofascial trigger points may appear in the region of injury to the vertebrae as in whiplash accidents… When the pain has lasted for six months or more, the prognosis becomes progressively worse. Local treatment of the tender spots provides temporary relief, but the tenderness returns… Because [the doctors] can demonstrate no local cause, they conclude that the disease does not exist. (104)Anyway, today was a high pain day. In fact, it is so bad right now, that I'm wondering if I can tough it out for all I need to do tomorrow: work, internship, reading group on human migration, class. At least I don't have PT, though I think I will need to work out tomorrow. I didn't today because of the pain.
Weird spasms in my stomach today too. I'm not sure what's up with that, but if it happens again, I might need to call my doctor. Nothing I've felt before, so I was more interested it than annoyed by the pain- but it was pretty bad. Also, I keep losing feeling in my fingers again. Most annoying.
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