Thursday, January 28, 2010

my hand is spazzing

today is a strange pain day. not in a bad way, i think, except it is harder to type and write and things. it's the kind that shoots- a moveable pain. it kind of reminds me of those drawings of family trees or maybe when the magic school bus kids travel through the blood stream. it travels from my fingers through my arm up to my shoulder then spreads to my neck and back.

only for a few seconds though, each time. particularly if i move my left pinky- hence the lack of caps.

nearly broke down in class, it was so bad. i really ought to talk to my profs, but i just hate talking about this thing with "strangers," though what else is a blog, really? i'm certainly not sharing this whine fest with my friends and family.

anyway, it's starting to feel better and i can sleep in tomorrow. just need to update my other blog, i think. maybe not. just go to sleep and try to forget for a bit. i hope it doesn't enter my dreams again. i should write about that experience later.


m: 6
p: 8

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