Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So, pretty much everyone has told me that acupuncture doesn't hurt, you don't feel a thing. Lies! You can completely feel the needles and they sometimes hurt, sometimes for a while and not such a small amount. It isn't as though you forget the needles are there, especially when they leave you lying there with nothing else to think about. Ew.

Really did not enjoy acupuncture. It didn't hurt that much but the lying there with nothing going on was crazy boring. The acupuncturist was probably in the room for two minutes total, putting in and taking out the needles. Felt like what my insurance was paying for was a short-term rental space, not a treatment. But we'll see if it works.

Speaking of boring things, my MT plays the same CD each week, Pure Moods. I know that it is Pure Moods because there were so many infomercials for the darn CD back in the 90's when I watched TV 24-7 (plus, I looked it up on Amazon to verify it). Good God! What do these people think, we enjoy the same ol' boring mix every time? The CD playing at acupuncture was equally unappealing.

I think I should just make my own "calming" mix CD and BYOCD. Make these experiences a little more enjoyable.

P: 7
M: 5

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