Maybe it is all in my head, but I'm starting to think it helps my neck to feel a little better. Maybe it's just the nice atmosphere- such nice people and so relaxing. Also, I must admit the Avatar connection makes me happy in a nerd way (Katara and the water benders' styles are generally based on Tai Chi). I want to become good or at least good enough not to be so embarrassed, but I think I need to go multiple times a week, and would love to be able to go three times or more per week. But it is confusing because I'm not sure how that would work, payment-wise, for the lawsuit. Maybe it isn't so expensive? I should at least research other places to learn Tai Chi in the area.
Hrm, they have classes at Shoreline CC, at the Lake Forest Park campus, but only once a week. Maybe twice a week at the Y is the best I can hope for, and it is free with gym membership as a bonus. I wonder what other sorts of activities are supposed to be good for chronic pain, apart from the dreaded water aerobics (never will wear a swimsuit again!).
I need to make an appointment with the Disability Support Services at my new U. They've been closed up 'til today, and I completely forgot to call them. Just in case I have a "pain episode" (aka, it suddenly gets so bad that I cannot leave my bed/the floor)- and to make sure I can get up and walk around- pretending to use the bathroom in my 4.25 hr night class (sooooo long- if I sat that long, my back would explode). Also, so as to make the professor aware that I might miss more class days than the average student- though I can make things up very well, I promise (why am I pleading with you??)!
Looking for PhD/other MA/MFA programs is the pits too, because almost everyone wants a GRE score. That test was the most terrible experience of my life. Well, not really, but one must exaggerate to get one's point across, eh? It was awful, for sure, four hours-ish of sitting there leaning over a computer desk as my neck grew more and more pained and I started to go all pain-loopy. Also couldn't sleep the night before, on account of stress. Anyway, good math score, average English, and average ain't good enough- sigh! I can't handle the idea of taking that test again, so will need to find programs that don't need that dreaded test and her awful results.
Anyway, a massage is coming up as well as my back dr. appt. He has apparently moved- but where? I'll need to find that slippery fellow. Make him re-write my acupuncture referral and hopefully get some more massages out of it as well- let's see if they help this time! Maybe he knows other exercises that are meant to help- weight lifting was not so successful for things as he suggested though...
Also, if I do manage to finance a trip this summer (to Chile, the mother land!), then I will need to once again procure paperwork for taking Vicodin abroad- a huge pain in the rear. When I went to Japan before, the paperwork took me days- it was like an inch thick, and going through customs took forever as well! Though, it was necessary. I used the Vicodin on more than a few occasions, I'm sorry to say.
Sometimes, drinking wine helps me sleep, if I don't want to take the Vicodin and I ache. But I hear this is a trend that leads to alcoholism- is this true??? But shouldn't a bit of wine be far better on the body than the hammer to the head that is a prescribed narcotic drug? That's how it seems to me, but I worry nonetheless. Though it may secretly be my mother's worries playing off in my head... hm.
Too much pain to sleep, I think, but I must get up at a reasonable hour to take the kitty to the vet. Good night, all! (though I may be speaking just to myself).
Pain: 9
Emotions: 9 (which is good, in case you forgot... what a lame scale- what is a bad sign pain-wise is a good one emotion-wise. Maybe I should rethink this silly thing.)
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