Thursday, February 24, 2011


I love the snow.  Really love it.  Not just for the snow days it brings or the way it likes to pull everything to a stop and let us reflect on our lives.  I love the snow because it swallows the world's sounds and covers up all of our industrial footprints in a sheet of clean white.  I love that it seems to glow as it reflects the moon's light.  I love the way it captures our footprints and makes it clear that we really have been in this world.

If I were to be perfectly honest, I am a summer person.  I don't enjoy being cold, although I layered today to cover up the effects.

But it is a real shame you can't do the same for the pain that this beautiful weather brings.  I've noticed much more this year how my neck begins to ache before it snows and progresses as the flakes drift down from the sky.  Today was a terrible agony yet also a wonderful beauty.  Thus the concept of fractured aesthetics or the beautiful as broken emerges.

In any case, I've had my pain pills and a few drinks, so will sleep through the worst of this pain.  Let us hope for another snow day tomorrow to recover and marvel.

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