Monday, February 14, 2011

Going back to acupuncture

Well, I didn't go to acupuncture for a few weeks, and heading back was really a pain. ... Seriously though, it hurt a terrible lot.  I got super stiff the next day.  And my hands hurt again.

I hope that I didn't make things too much worse.  But my back and neck have been real bad this week so far.  And I only have one hot and cold pack left!  I am saving it for class on Wednesday.  Although, I guess I could go pick some more up.

Stress has been crazy what with hearing back from MFA and PhD programs, so I'm sure that did the opposite of help the situation.

Moral of story: don't skip acupuncture. Even if you're sick.

But seriously, you shouldn't go to the acupuncturist if you're sick, because s/he works with her/his hands, and will have to lose work.  Because zie can't go in!  (hurrah for gender neutral pronouns).

Will take solace in my selflessness, I suppose, as I ache away.

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