Tuesday, December 21, 2010

migraine dream

migraine dream

a funny thing
happened to me
on the way to waking
i was shot in the head
(by irish mobsters,
if I remember right)

but the bullet kept on
going through my head
and proceeds through now
piercing every memory
with a silvery film of
cold metallic touches

the ambiguous nature
seeing the bullet in your head
that is in your head
a plan to subvert the mind
with the mind that plots
to subvert or not

it’s funny to be touched
by nothing yet everything
the light reaching out more
every sound wants only
for you to hear it
above the tinnitus ring

but if this all is just
something the mind
(for some reason) concocted
then what is the matter
with us all getting together
for a little trepanation party

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