Friday, December 24, 2010

lousy ass doctor's visit

Well, I went to see my pain doctor this week, and had lots of lousy news.  Apparently, my PT hasn't been following her instructions per the prescription-- which specifically tells them I need mostly stretching and deep tissue massage.  Instead, they've been doing lots of cardio and strength training, which isn't hugely helpful because I do that on my own.  I stretch on my own too, but not all the stretches are one-person.

Anyway, I'm going to be starting up with a new PT in 2011, in addition to yoga and acupuncture.  I've tried all of these before, but am feeling good that there will be more progress.

On a more philosophically significant note, I am apparently now on so many pain pills that if I were to stop taking them, I would go into some sort of shock.  I asked my regular dr. about all the pills I'm on and whether or not I should be concerned/ consider paring some out, but he got pretty nervous and told me that would be a bad idea, and told me what some of the consequences might be (i.e. shock, hospital, etc.).  So that's not hugely thrilling.  I got my pain pill dosages upped last week, in addition to the new medication from the week before.  I've been sleeping pretty well though, so that's good news.

Hm, I wonder if hot yoga would be good, because heat is good for my condition and yoga is.  Any thoughts, single reader?


  1. What is "hot yoga"? I would have thought *any* yoga class in which you participated would have been considered such.

  2. Ha... it is very high temp with steam and stuff. I think the heat might help ^___^
